Emma Brillhart

Web Developer | Seattle, Washington



Inspiration for this project came from some frustration I had while dealing with my secret(ish) food Instagram - when you like a photo on Instagram, it sends it to this totally user-unfriendly random tab in your settings that you can't search or organize in any way. So if you wanted to remember what restaurant had looked so good in that picture you'd liked a while back... it would be a huuuge pain. Photorganize shows you all of the pictures that you've liked on your Instagram account, and allows you to archive the ones you don't need to track, and add tags and notes to the ones you do want to track. Once you've added tags, the photos are also searchable.

The biggest challenge I faced with this project was definitely figuring out how to implement the Instagram API. I had to figure that one out pretty much on my own with the help of the Instagram API documentation, which was an amazing learning experience, but very frustrating for someone who'd been coding for about 4.5 weeks at that point! Finally getting that working was such a relief.

Technologies Used

Node.js, Express, Sequelize, jQuery, HTML5/CSS3, Materialize CSS, OAuth, Heroku, PostgreSQL, various smaller javascript libraries and plug-ins.

View Work

Website: Unfortunately, the site is no longer available due to changes in the Instagram API since I created the app. Check out the source code and the screen shots for a better idea of how it all worked.

Source Code: https://github.com/ebrillhart/photorganize
