How SAFE is SoDo?

Lots of people pass through Seattle's SoDo (South of Downtown) neighborhood. Average attendance for a Seahawks home game at Century Link Field was 68,412 during the 2014-2015 season, accoring to Statista, and that doesn't take into account the people that flood to the area for Mariners games, Sounders games, or the various concerts and events that take place at SoDo's stadiums and clubs. With such a high concentration of people, especially during events where emotions can run high and alcohol is flowing, there's bound to be some influence on crime rates. But how dangerous is the crime around Century Link and SoDo's other venues?

The map above shows the area within a mile radius around Century Link Field, which is the area we'll be focusing on for reported incidents.

The chart below breaks down a representative sample of 5,000 reported incidents in recent years in the mile-radius area around Century Link by category. All data is shown in percentages.

Data for the above chart was pulled through Socrata Open Data from the City of Seattle's Department of Information Technology and the Seattle Police Department

As we can see from the chart, the most prominent category of crime around Century Link is general distubances, which includes crimes categorized as "suspicious circumstances," "nuisance and/or mischief," "car prowls," and "disturbance." The other common types of crimes are property crimes, which includes lost/stolen or damaged property, alcohol and drug related incidents, and automotive incidents, including traffic violations. Violent crime, threats and harassment, and weapons calls combined make up only a very small percentage of incidents.

Based on this breakdown, you can probably assume that you won't have to worry about violent crime as a game attendee, but that you might want to prioritize parking your car in a secure area. And, considering that alcohol and drug-related incidents make up a sizeable chunk of the breakdown, make sure you don't let your partying get the best of you.